Kamal Pasupuleti
President & CEO
Kamal, the founder of Oscar FX, is a highly talented and innovative digital visual effects artist. With his lightning-fast skills, he has made a name for himself in the industry. Kamal's passion for visual effects shines through in every project he takes on, always striving for perfection to bring the filmmaker's vision to life.
As the leader of Oscar FX, Kamal's enthusiasm is contagious, inspiring his team of artists to deliver exceptional work down to the finest details. He approaches each project with a creative mindset, constantly seeking new and foolproof solutions. Kamal's ability to understand the filmmaker's vision quickly and find unique ways to apply it is unparalleled. He consistently goes above and beyond to ensure every project is something to be proud of.
Those who know Kamal can attest to his dynamic personality, effortlessly transitioning from humor to a determined leadership.